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Giti's Puzzle Corner

Hi, and welcome to the inaugural issue of Giti's puzzle corner. I'm Giti, who you may know from the comic strip Slapdash, by "Jerik", if you read Slapdash, which you probably don't, especially since it's about a month behind schedule. You may think that the reason the comic strip is so behind schedule is because Jerik's been spending his time putting this page together instead, but in reality that's not true. Jerik has had most of the material for this page finished for a long time, and just threw the page together over a day or two. The reason the comic strip is so far behind schedule is because Jerik is a lazy, lazy bum. You can tell he hasn't been spending a lot of time on this page because I don't even get a nifty title graphic. I mean, come on. "Giti's Puzzle Corner" in big text. That's impressive. He could have at least written it out in a nice-looking font in Photoshop, and made a reasonably attractive graphic out of it, which would have taken him, what, all of two minutes? But no, he's too lazy even for that.

Anyway, he claims he's going to get all caught up with the comic strip in the next week or so. He'd better. I know where he lives. And I'd better have a nice title graphic by next time, too.

Well, at any rate, Giti's Puzzle Corner will be a biweekly feature at Slapdash in which I, Giti, will present various puzzles for you, the readers, to try to solve. Sorry we don't have any nifty Java applets or anything; you're going to have to figure out these puzzles the old-fashioned way, with pencil and paper. (Either copy them down or just print them out; we've tried to make the pages nice and printer-friendly so that should work out - that's why the instructions are on separate pages.) Answers will be given in two weeks, in the next installment.

In this issue:

All the puzzles in this issue were created by "Jerik", but I'll gladly take submissions from readers too! If we use your puzzle, we'll be sure to give you credit, and include a link to your page! E-mail me with your submissions! (Please, nothing involving huge graphic files; I'm trying to take up as little bandwidth here as possible. If your submission does include graphics, try to get the file sizes as small as you can.)

Coming in the Next Installment (if all goes well, which, knowing Jerik, it probably won't):

And in the Installment After That:

And, of course, new crosswords, cryptic crosswords, and "dashers" in every issue! (That's the plan, anyway.)

Any questions? E-mail Giti or Jerik.

Read Slapdash!

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